
nRF52832 SDK14.2.0 advertising tutorial

2 experiment steps

2.1 change address type

check https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/question/6496/gap-address-types/

  • Public address
    This is a global, fixed address. It must be registered with the IEEE Registration
    Authority and will never change during the lifetime of the device.
  • Random Static address
    A random static address is simply a random number that can either be generatd
    every time the device boots up or can stay the same for the lifetime of the
    device. But it cannot be changed within a single power cycle of the device.
  • Private Resolvable address
    Those are generated from an identity resolving key (IRK) and a random number,
    and they can be changed often (even during the lifetime of a connection) to
    avoid the device being identified and tracked by an unknown scanning device.
    Only devices that possess the IRK distributed by the device using a private
    resolvable address can actually resolve that address, allowing the to identify
    the device.
  • Private Non-Resolvable address
    Not very commonly used, a random number that you can change anytime.

The default address type in SoftDevice is "Random Static address". Try to go
into gap_params_init() in main.c and add these code at the end of the function:

ble_gap_privacy_params_t ble_gap_privacy_params = {0};
ble_gap_privacy_params.privacy_mode = BLE_GAP_PRIVACY_MODE_DEVICE_PRIVACY;
ble_gap_privacy_params.private_addr_type = BLE_GAP_ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_PRIVATE_RESOLVABLE;
ble_gap_privacy_params.private_addr_cycle_s = 30;
ble_gap_privacy_params.p_device_irk = NULL;
err_code = sd_ble_gap_privacy_set(&ble_gap_privacy_params);


This Should set the address type to "Private Resolvable address". The Address type
will still show up as "Random", but try to reset your board a few times. You
should see that after each reset your device shows up with a different address
in the device list. However, the mac will not change in my hand, if you know how
to fix it please let me know, thanks.

2.2 change advertising name

An advertising packet can consist of no more than 31 bytes.

change the advertising name type to Shortened Local Name,

#define DEVICE_NAME                "ThisIsAReallyLongName"

init.advdata.name_type = BLE_ADVDATA_SHORT_NAME;

Then right below this add the line:

init.advdata.short_name_len = 6; // Advertise only first 6 letters of name

Compile and download again. In the "Discovered devices" list your device should
now show up with the name "ThisIs", the first 6 letters of the full name.
However, if you connect to your device by clicking "Select device", "Connect"
and then "Discover services" you will see that full name is still there.

2.3 manufacturer specific data


is a field where you can place whatever data you want.

add code below to advertising_init():

    // variable to hold manufacturer specific data
    ble_advdata_manuf_data_t manuf_data;

    uint8_t data[] = "SomeData!"; // our data to advertise
    manuf_data.company_identifier = 0x0059; // Nordics company ID
    manuf_data.data.p_data = data;
    manuf_data.data.size = sizeof(data);

    init.advdata.p_manuf_specific_data = &manuf_data;

Now compile, download and check. You can see that there is a new field in the
"Advertising Data" list called "Manufacturer data". It contains a cryptic string
of hexadecimal numbers. The first two numbers are the compnay ID (0x0059) with the
least significant byte first. The company ID is a unique 16-bit value assigned
to Bluetooth SIG members. It is not allowed to broadcast a custom company ID
value without being a member. If you are curious you can see a list of the
Bluetooth SIG member IDs from:

As described at the bottom of the page the value 0xFFFF "may be used in the internal
and interoperability tests before a Company ID has been assigned. This value
shall not be used in shipping and products". When you are ready for shipping
you need to apply for a Bluetooth SIG membership to get your own unique ID.
"Adopter level" membership is free, but you will need to be associated with
a valid company. The next 10 bytes in the manufacturer specific data field are
the actual data. If you compare with an ASCII table you will recognize the
string "SomeData!", most significatnt byte first this time. The last two zeros
at the end represent a termination character in the string.

2.3.1 add transmit power to advdata

This value might, e.g., enable other units to roughly estimate the distance to
your device. (keep in mind that you will have to use one of the valid tx power
levels in nRF52 Product Specification). It is also important to know that this
doesn't change the actual transmit power, just the information that is advertised.

add code below in advertising_init()

int8_t tx_power = 0x04;

init.advdata.short_name_len = 2;
init.advdata.p_tx_power_level = &tx_power;

Note: To add the tx power level according to the TLV format, (Type: 1B, Length: 1B,
Value: 1B) at least 3 Bytes needed, the content size should <= 31 bytes. So, we
change the name length to 2. You can check:

2.3.2 set the "include_appearance" field in "advdata"

set code below in advertising_init()

init.advdata.include_appearance = true;

set code below in gap_params_init()

err_code = sd_ble_gap_appearance_set(BLE_APPEARANCE_HID_MOUSE);

The appearance feature might be useful to developers of e.g. mobile phone apps.
If you have a BLE enabled phone (or a laptop) your kit should now show up with
the name "Th" and a computer mouse icon if you search for BLE devices.

Tips: Your advertisement packet is already getting dangerously full so you
might want to shorten your manufacturer data size or device name.

2.4 Scan response data

But what if you really, really want to advertise more than 31 bytes? Then there
is a solution for you and that is the Scan response data. This is an optional
"secondary" advertising payload which allows scanning devices that detect an
advertising device to request a second advertising packet. This allows you to
send two advertising frames with a total payload of 62 bytes.

add code below in advertising_init()

ble_advdata_manuf_data_t manuf_data_response;
memset(&manuf_data_response, 0, sizeof(manuf_data_response));

uint8_t data_response[] = "my hello response";
manuf_data_response.company_identifier = 0x0059;
manuf_data_response.data.p_data = data_response;
manuf_data_response.data.size = sizeof(data_response);

init.srdata.name_type = BLE_ADVDATA_NO_NAME;
init.srdata.p_manuf_specific_data = &manuf_data_response;

compile, download and see what happens.

3 sample code

download the sample code from

then put it into the directoy


4 base knowledge

Bluetooth Smart defined 4 GAP roles: Broadcaster, Observer, Central, Peripheral
[Section 6.2 Vol 1 Part A] and 5 Link layer states: Standby, Advertising,
Scanning, Initiating, Connection [Section 1.1 Vol 6 Part B]. One device may have
one or multiple roles, working in one or multiple states at the same time.

In this episode we focus on Advertising state of the Broadcaster and the Peripheral.

4.1 Theory about adverting

4.1.1 what is advertising

Advertising is the act of broadcasting data. We broadcast data for device discovery
and data publishing. There are 2 types of data packets that can be transmitted,
Advertising packet and Scan Response packet, each can have up to 31 bytes payload.
The advertiser address is included in the broadcast data in addition to the payload.

The advertiser constantly broadcasts advertising packets with an advertising interval.
Advertising interval can be changed on the fly. There is a requirement for minimum and
maximum advertising interval.

For normal, undirected advertising, the advertising intervals ranges from 20ms
to 10.24s (Section 7.8.5 Part E Vol2)

The scan response packet is transmitted by the advertiser when it receives a scan
request from a scanner. The advertiser have to enter a RX period to wait for the
scan request. This RX period can be used to receive Connect Request as well.

In some applications when we don't expect a connection and don't have extra data
in scan response packet, we can advertise in non-connectable mode and can skip
the RX period to save power. The beacon application is one of the use cases.

Note that all Advertising packet, Scan Request packet, Scan Response packet share
the same on-air Access Address = 0x8E89BED6. This common address allows any
device to scan and receive advertising/scan response data.

Bluetooth Smart uses 40 RF channels in the ISM band (2.4GHz). These RF channels
have center frequencies 2402 + K*2MHz where k ranges from 0 to 39. Note that k
is not the same as "Channel Index", or channel number (Section 1.4 Vol 6 Part B).

Three of them is dedicated for advertising which is channel 37 (2402MHz), 38(2426MHz),
and 39 (2480MHz). They were selected to avoid interference with the busy channels
used by Wifi.

In the implementation of SoftDevice stack, by default it transmit the advertising
packet in all 3 channels on every advertising event, on channel 37, 38, 39 respectively.

4.1.2 Broadcast topology

When advertising, the network topology is Broadcast topology. There could be
multiple advertisers and multiple scanner at the same time.

Note that one device can do scanning and adverting simultaneously. And one can
be in a connection with a central or peripheral and can do advertising at the
same time.

The only packet the active scanner can send to advertiser is the Scan Request
packet, which contain only the scanner address. Passive scanner doesn't do
Scan Request.

4.1.3 Advertising types and whitelisting

There are 4 defined types of Advertising (Section 2.3.1 Vol 6 Part B)

  • ADV_IND: connectable undirected advertising. This is the normal advertising
    type where any device can send scan response packet and connect request to
    the advertiser.
  • ADV_DIRECT_IND: connectable directed advertising. You use this to direct your
    advertise packet to one specific central to ask for connection. The packet is
    still a broadcast packet but other scanners will ignore the packet if the peer
    address is not matched with them. And connect request or scan request from
    unmatched central will be ignored by the advertiser. Directed advertising usually
    comes with high duty cycle with interval fix at 3.75ms. For low duty cycle directed
    advertising, it's configurable and should be <10ms. (Section 4.4.2 Part B Vol6)
  • ADV_SCAN_IND: scannable undirected advertising. This advertising packet won't
    accept connect request but accept scan request.
  • ADV_NONCONN_IND: non-connectable undirected advertising. This is non RX mode,
    which mean the advertiser will not accept any connect request or scan request.
    Staying in this mode the advertiser doesn't need to switch to receiver mode
    and can save power. The main application for this is beacon application, where
    maximize battery life time is most important and the beacon doesn't need to
    interact with the scanner.

4.1.4 Advertise with Whitelist

The advertiser can use a whitelist to limit the interaction to a number of scanner/central
device. The whitelist contains an array of the peer device addresses or IRK numbers
(when central use resolvable random address). It will reject packets from scanners/centrals
whose addresses are not in the list. Whitelist can be configured to filter scan
request packets, connect request packets or both.

4.1.5 bonded

This shows whether the device is bonded to another device or not. The purpose
of bonding is:

The purpose of bonding is to create a relation between two Bluetooth devices
based on a common link key (a bond). The link key is created and exchanged
(pairing) during the bonding procedure and is expecteed to be stored by both
Bluetooth devices, to be used for future authentication.

4.2 Setting up and start advertising with SoftDevice

4.2.1 APIs provided by the softdevice:

  • set, clear or update advertising data and the scan response data
    sd_ble_gap_adv_data_set(uint8_t const* p_data, uint8_t dlen, uint8_t const* p_sr_data, uint8_t srdlen)
  • start advertising
    sd_ble_gap_adv_start(ble_gap_adv_params_t const* p_adv_params, uint8_t conn_cfg_tag)

Check how the 31 bytes Advertising data and Scan reponse data should look like
(chapter 11, part C, vol3)

It's up to the application to prepare the advertising data and set it in the
softdevice using sd_ble_gap_adv_data_set().


  • The data in the input parameter is an array of uint8_t. You need to encode data
    to match with this.
  • You should set the length of the advertising data (dlen) to match with the significant
    part length so that the non-significant part (zero padding) will not be transferred
    over the air.
  • 31 bytes includes also the overhead so the actual payload for application is
    27 bytes when using manufacturing data type.
  • Flags can only be excluded if non-connectable advertising is used.

After you have set-up the advertising packet you can tell the softdevice to start
advertising by calling sd_ble_gap_adv_start(). For this call, you need to configure:

  • Advertising interval (the period between each advertising)
  • Advertising timeout: how long you want to advertise. You will receive
    BLE_GAP_EVT_TIMEOUT event after this timeout.
  • Advertising types (connectable, non-connectable, directed, etc)
  • The peer address if you do directed advertising
  • The whitelist list if you have
  • Filter policy: Choose how to use the whitelist, filter scan request, connect
    request or both
  • Channel(s) you want to advertise, you can choose one or two or all 3 channels
    to advertise

4.2.2 GAP events you may receive when advertising

    Occurs when the advertising timeout is passed. The application can decide to
    continue advertising in different mode or to enter sleep mode. The application
    should check the src parameter to check if the timeout event is from adverting
    timeout or not.
    the application receives this event when there is a scan request received by
    the advertiser. The event comes with address of the peer device and RSSI value.
    Note: you only get this event if you enable it using the option API
    You receive this when there is a central device send connect request and the
    connection is established.

4.2.3 FAQ

  • Why am I seeing the advertising period is not the same between each packet?
    Bluetooth spec defined a random delay (0~10ms) on each advertising peroid
    to perturb interval and avoid interference (Section part B vol6)
  • If I want to advertise my custom data how should I put it in the advertising packet?
    You should use Manufacturer Specific Data ADtype (0xFF). Note that with that
    type, the 2 first bytes are for Company ID.